Steering Committee

Our Steering Committee of dedicated academic and policy advisors helps guide the organization’s efforts to study economic inequality and its impact on economic growth and stability to build a new narrative about what makes the U.S. economy grow. Steering Committee members advise on the organization’s growing academic grants program and help strengthen connections to (and among) our academic community, especially in supporting the next generation of scholars.

Steering Committee

Daron Acemoglu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Institute Professor

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Steering Committee

Byron Auguste


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Steering Committee

Alan Blinder

Princeton University

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Steering Committee

Karen Dynan

Harvard University

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Steering Committee

Jason Furman

Harvard Kennedy School

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Steering Committee

Hilary Hoynes

University of California, Berkeley

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Steering Committee

Trevon Logan

Ohio State University

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Steering Committee

Atif Mian

Princeton University

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Steering Committee

Suresh Naidu

Columbia University

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Steering Committee

Heidi Williams

Dartmouth College

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Steering Committee

Catherine Wolfram

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

William F. Pounds Professor of Energy Economics

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Former Steering Committee members

Former Steering Committee

Melody Barnes

University of Virginia

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Former Steering Committee

Heather Boushey

Washington Center for Equitable Growth

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Former Steering Committee

Raj Chetty

Harvard University

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Former Steering Committee

Lisa Cook

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

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Former Steering Committee

Janet Currie

Princeton University

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Former Steering Committee

John Podesta

Washington Center for Equitable Growth

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Former Steering Committee

Emmanuel Saez

University of California, Berkeley

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Former Steering Committee

Robert Solow

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Former Steering Committee

Laura Tyson

University of California, Berkeley

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Former Steering Committee

Janet L. Yellen

U.S. Department of the Treasury

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